EnergyLab 2.0 – Cross-cutting Topic Security

The intelligent platform Energy Lab  is being developed at KIT to analyze the interaction of the components of future energy systems. As part of the overall project, IAI is responsible for the conception and construction of the "Smart Energy System Simulation and Control Center (SEnSSiCC)" as well as solving scientific issues relating to the integration of future energy systems. The IT-technical work and research aspects of the Energy Lab are bundled in SEnSSiCC.

Within the Energy Lab framework, our working group is responsible for the security aspects that are an essential issue in critical infrastructures such as energy systems. This involves analyzes of possible attack scenarios and corresponding countermeasures at different levels, from the physical level of the systems and the energy flow through the communication level to the level of the computers and controllers. This work tightly linked to other topics and working groups as well as with the topics in the KASTEL project.



 Note: Previously known as “Energy Lab 2.0”, the current name from 2024 is “Energy Lab”.