2020 Best Paper Award Michael Kyesswa

Best Paper Award (IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2020)

  • Author:

    Michael Kyesswa

  • Source:


  • Date: 05.10.2020
  • At the 24th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2020), September 14-16, Mr. Michael Kyesswa received a Best Paper Award for his contribution “A New Julia-Based Parallel Time-Domain Simulation Algorithm for Analysis of Power System Dynamics”. The symposium serves as a forum to present current research results in distributed simulation and real-time applications. Co-authors of the work are Philipp Schmurr, Dr. Hüseyin Kemâl Çakmak, Dr. Uwe Kühnapfel and Prof. Veit Hagenmeyer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).