Best Poster ENF2017

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  • Datum: 11.07.2017
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

    Country: Germany

    Abstract title: Informing the public on safety aspects of nanomaterials – DaNa2.0

    Topic: Policy frameworks and societal aspects

    Abstract: Nanomaterials have found their way in our every day life, but the awareness of possible risks for humans and the environment increased during the last 15 years. The nanosafety aspect is a topic around the world. However, consumers often miss reliable and understandable information on nanomaterials and their application, and don’t know where to get such information. There is a high demand for answers to questions such as “Are nanomaterials per se dangerous?”.

    Communication of scientific facts with the public is an ambitious task as complex issues need to be simplified whilst ensuring scientific correctness. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of nanotechnology, communication on the related safety aspects is particularly challenging. The DaNa2.0 project (data and knowledge on nanomaterials) is addressing these challenges by collecting and evaluating scientific results with a tool for quality evaluation and management of scientific publications: “Methodology for selection of publications”. This checklist includes mandatory and desirable assessment criteria covering the topics physico-chemical characterisation, sample preparation and necessary (biological) testing parameters ensuring a thorough, comprehensive and fit-for-purpose assessment of the used nanomaterial in any given setting.

    These evaluated research findings are presented in a worldwide unique knowledge base, correlating material properties and applications, tailored to interested citizens, students and stakeholders. The platform offers reliable data on the 26 most widely used nanomaterials together with answers to frequent questions, as well as on cross-cutting topics like nanomedicine.

    DaNa2.0 is a national project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FKZ 03X0131).