Content overview


SESCL Laboratory Equipment

Component max. Power/ Energy Category Description
Motor-generator set 1 40 kW

Conventional power plant

Set of synchronous- and induction machine with additional flywheel, representing a conventional power plant with inertia, grid forming
Emergency power supply (EPS) 56 kVA / 44.8 kW DER units Gas generator Feeser Generators GM52/NGT-AS, grid forming
Micro gas turbine 3.2 kVA DER units Operated by ITEP
Micro wind turbine 2 kW DER units 2x MOWEA String
Photovoltaic carport 20 kW DER units Heckert NEMO® 2.0 60 M solar modules, with SMA Tripower STP 25000TL inverter
Charging station carport 4x 22kW Electric Vehicles 4x KEBA KeContact P30 x-series, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capable
Charging station DC 6x 22kW Electric Vehicles 6x Ambibox 22kW DC-Wallbox, V2G capable
Electric Car 1 40 kWh Electric vehicles Nissan Leaf MY19, V2G capable
Electric Car 2 40 kWh Electric vehicles Nissan e-NV200, V2G capable

AC/ DC inverter

45 kW Grid components 3x Delta Elektronika SM500-CP-90, bidirectional DC voltage source/sink, AC grid-following
Grid components 200 - 1400 m NAYY-J 5x35mm2 laid in ground
Line replica
Grid components 5 line replica: variable discrete RL/ RLC components, interconnected in series or pi-equivalent circuit to emulate overhead lines and cables of variable length
Overhead power line
Grid components

100 - 1200 m NFA2x 1x70 RM,
240 m NFA2x 4x70 RM with transformer at both ends, different configurations with transposition functionality possible

Transformer with on-load tap changer 87 kVA Grid components 400/400V transformer with on load tap changer ECOTAP VPD, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
Motor-generator set 2 30 kW Loads / DER units Set of two induction machines with inverters
Capacitive (C-) load 80 kVA Loads Variable 1-/3-phase symmetrical/ asymmetrical load, 5 - 80 kVA
Electronic AC/DC three-phase load 12.6 kW Loads Variable 1-/3-phase symmetrical/ asymmetrical load, up to 3 x 4.2 kW, Heidenpower ACLT12650
Inductive (L-) load 80 kVA Loads Variable 1-/3-phase symmetrical/ asymmetrical load, 5 - 80 kVA
Resistive (R-) load 80 kW Loads Variable 1-/3-phase symmetrical/ asymmetrical load, 5 - 80 kW
Resistive (R-) load: lightwall 20 kW Loads Variable 1-/3-phase symmetrical/ asymmetrical load, 0.1 - 20 kW
Phasor measurement units
Measurement system Janitza UMG 604-PRO
Microgrid PHIL Test Bench 10 kVA Real-time simulation

Opal RT OP1420 Microgrid PHIL Test Bench with Opal RT OP4512 simulator, grid forming/ following

(P)-HIL 1 100 kVA Real-time simulation

Computing unit: Opal RT OP5707 simulator
power amplifier: EGSTON power COMPISO System Unit 100-2GAMP4, grid forming/ following

(P)-HIL 2 100 kVA Real-time simulation Computing unit: Opal RT OP5707 simulator
power amplifier: EGSTON power COMPISO System Unit 100-2GAMP4, grid forming/ following
PHIL ITEP 1 MVA Real-time simulation

5x EGSTON power COMPISO System Unit 200, operated by ITEP, grid forming/ following

Battery energy storage system 26 kWh, 4.5 kW Storage units Li-ion battery system with inverter, E3DC Quattroporte
Battery energy storage system carport 36.8 kWh Storage units LiFePO4 battery system with Studer XTM-8000-48 inverter
Flywheel 60 kW Storage units Operated by ITEP
Supercapacitor 5 kWh, 500 kW Storage units Operated by ITEP


Living Lab Energy Campus Experimentalgebäude (LLEC)

Component max. Power/ Energy Category Description
Photovoltaic Gashaus 5 kW DER units
Photovoltaic Wärmepumpenhaus 10 kW DER units
Air-water heat pump 11 kW (thermal) Loads

iDM Aero SLM 3-11 HGL

Geo-thermal heat pump 6 kW (thermal) Loads


Heating unit 15 kW Loads Variable 1-/3-phase load ratiotherm Smart Energy (PV) heating unit
Battery energy storage system Gashaus 5.2 kWh, 4.6 kW Storage units Li-Ion (LiFePO4) storage with inverter: Alpha-ESS Storion-SMILE5
Battery energy storage system Wärmepumpenhaus 15 kWh, 13.8 kVA Storage units Li-Ion storage with inverter: E3DC S10 E