Welcome to the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics

The Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) is a research institute of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the Helmholtz Association (HGF). It conducts research and development in the field of innovative, application-oriented information, automation, and systems technology for sustainable energy systems and complex industrial and laboratory processes. Interdisciplinary working groups are working on integrated systems solutions, whereby all development phases being covered from conceptual design to modeling and simulation, prototyping and practical testing, also under industrial conditions. Novel, reusable methods and tools, which are developed and applied in the context of system design, are further results.

The work of IAI is embedded in the program Energy System Design (ESD) within the HGF's research field Energy and in the programs “Engineering Digital Futures: Supercomputing, Data Management and Information Security for Knowledge and Action”, Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing (NACIP) and Material Systems Engineering (MSE) within the HGF's research field Information of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres.

The projects at the institute are carried out in cooperation with partners from industry, administration and other research institutions in Germany and abroad. Among others, the institute is involved in projects of the EU, various federal and state ministries, the DFG (German Research Foundation), AiF (German Federation of Industrial Research Associations), and German industry. The institute's staff members are active in a wide range of standardization committees, expert and review committees and programme committees.

News | News Archive

IAI participation in roadmap for energy researchMarkus Breig, Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
IAI participation in Roadmap for Energy Research

The so-called “Helmholtz Energy Transition Roadmap (HETR)” is intended to serve as an overview and guide for research, industry and politics and thus as a guide­line for the transformation of the energy system. IAI researchers were also involved in the creation of this roadmap for energy research. In order to implement the topics and objectives set out in the roadmap in practice, research at the IAI is carried out particularly in the Energy Lab environment.

Dissertation Lorenz Wührlprivat
Dissertation by Mr. Lorenz Wührl

The IAI congratulates Mr. Lorenz Wührlon passing his doctoral examination. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Methodenent­wicklung zur automatisierten Hochdurchsatz Biodiversitäts­forschung unter Invertebraten”. The exam date was on July 15th, 2024.

KIT International Excellence Talks mit Prof. Dr. Christian Beck und Assoz. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem YalçınJulia Schade (KIT-INTL)
KIT International Excellence Talks with Prof. Dr. Christian Beck and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Yalçın

The next two lectures in the “KIT International Excellence Talks” series will take place on June 27th, 2024 at the IAI as well via Zoom. Prof. Dr. Christian Beck will explore the complex dynamics of electricity consumption with data-based load profiles, while Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Yalçın will present new approaches to complex network representation and their application to air quality in Istanbul.

IAI-Beteiligung am Energie- und Klimafestival 2024privat
IAI-Beteiligung am Energie- und Klimafestival 2024

Am Samstag, 15. Juni 2024 fand das zweite Energie- und Klimafestival auf dem Karlsruher Festplatz statt, das IAI hat sich auch hierbei beteiligt. Am gemeinsamen Stand des Reallabors Smart East und FZI sowie Christoph Schlenzig wurde mit einer Vielzahl an Interessierten wie der Bürgermeisterin für Umwelt und Gesundheit der Stadt Karlsruhe Frau Lisbach über interessierte Familien bis hin zu Studierenden über die Energie-Themen Flexibilität, Mieterstrom oder Smart Charging gesprochen.

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Reallabore EnergyLab und SmartEast beim Real:labor Festival des KITTRIANGEL Open Space
Reallabore EnergyLab und SmartEast beim Real:labor Festival des KIT

Das IAI wird sich am Real:labor Festival des KIT beteiligen, das vom 02. bis 06 Juli 2024 am Kronenplatz in Karlsruhe stattfinden wird. Am 4. Juli sowie am 5. Juli können Interessierte mehr über die Forschung der Reallabore EnergyLab und SmartEast (als Teil des EU-Horizon-Forschungsprojekts „WeForming“) zu verschiedenen Themen der Energiewende erfahren.

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Dissertation von Herrn Moritz Frahmprivat
Dissertation by Mr. Moritz Frahm

The IAI congratulates Mr. Moritz Frahm on passing his doctoral examination. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Occupant-Oriented Demand Response with Model Predictive Heating Control in a Multi-Zone Residential Building”. The exam date was on June 17th, 2024.

MINToring – Willkommensveranstaltung 2024
MINToring – Welcome Event 2024

On June 4, 2024, we cordially invited everyone to the Welcome Event and Lecture Evening with Professor Dr. Gerling. This special event provided the mentors and mentees of the new round the opportunity to get to know each other and experience an inspiring lecture together.

MINToring – Retrospektive-Event 2024
MINToring – Retrospective Event 2024

As part of the mentoring program MINToring, we invited mentors and mentees to the MINToring retrospective to reflect on the last round of the MINToring program together. This event provided the opportunity to review our experiences and insights from the past year and gather valuable ideas for the future.
