Welcome to the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics
The Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) is a research institute of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the Helmholtz Association (HGF). It conducts research and development in the field of innovative, application-oriented information, automation, and systems technology for sustainable energy systems and complex industrial and laboratory processes. Interdisciplinary working groups are working on integrated systems solutions, whereby all development phases being covered from conceptual design to modeling and simulation, prototyping and practical testing, also under industrial conditions. Novel, reusable methods and tools, which are developed and applied in the context of system design, are further results.
The work of IAI is embedded in the program Energy System Design (ESD) within the HGF's research field Energy and in the programs “Engineering Digital Futures: Supercomputing, Data Management and Information Security for Knowledge and Action”, Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing (NACIP) and Material Systems Engineering (MSE) within the HGF's research field Information of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres.
The projects at the institute are carried out in cooperation with partners from industry, administration and other research institutions in Germany and abroad. Among others, the institute is involved in projects of the EU, various federal and state ministries, the DFG (German Research Foundation), AiF (German Federation of Industrial Research Associations), and German industry. The institute's staff members are active in a wide range of standardization committees, expert and review committees and programme committees.
News | News Archive

As part of the MINToring program, an inspiring workshop on work-life balance took place on Friday, January 17, 2025. Mentors and mentees actively shared their own experiences and gathered new ideas for better work-life balance.
The IAI congratulates Mr. Qi Liu on passing his doctoral examination. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Cross-Machine Multi-Phase Advanced Persistent Threat Detection and Investigation via Provenance Analytics”. The exam date was on February 7th, 2025.
The second online workshop in the “FlexBlue.Connect” series, which will take place online on February 25, 2025 from 15:00 to 16:30, will discuss issues relating to the flexibilization of cooling supply systems. Participation is free of charge and is aimed at all players in the value chain in the cooling sector.
On pages 30 to 34 of the 2024/4 issue of the research magazine lookKIT, there is a detailed report on the “Diversity Scanner” and how automation is revolutionizing our knowledge of biodiversity. This biodiversity research project uses artificial intelligence to identify insects.
The IAI congratulates Mr. Rafael Poppenborg on passing his doctoral examination. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Optimized Energy Hub Scheduling Using Evolutionary Algorithms”. The exam date was on December 10th, 2024.
Mr. Rafael Poppenborg was awarded the 2024 Best Paper Award at the 4th Energy Informatics.Academy Conference 2024 (EI.A 2024) from October 23 - 25, 2023 in Bali, Indonesia, for his contribution “Dynamic Phenotype Mapping in Evolutionary Algorithms for Energy Hub Scheduling”.
Manuel Treutlein was awarded 2nd place in the “Energy Campus 2024” ideas competition by the foundation “Energie & Klimaschutz” for his doctoral project researching the topic of “Machine learning methods for load estimation in the low-voltage grid using metadata from distribution system operators”.
Patricia Dold was awarded the 3rd Place Paper Award at the 43rd edition of the “International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics” (ICALEO 2024), which took place from November 4 to 7, 2024 in Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. Her thesis is entitled “Event-Based Vision in Laser Welding: An Approach for Process Monitoring” and was written in collaboration with Prof. Ralf Mikut.
moreTo the list of all student theses (Bachelor and Master theses as well as HIWI-Student projects)
To the list of all student theses (Bachelor and Master theses as well as HIWI-Student projects)